Digga PDXH2-2 Micro Excavator Auger Drives 750Kg-2T (Copy)
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PDXH2-2 65mm RND with Halo
Recommended Flow - 30-50 lpm
Max Toeque 2307 Nm
HALO is an alignment system located in the hood ring of the auger drive, which provides an operator with a simultaneous clear line of sight to itself, as well as the hole being dug. HALO utilises a band of LED lights, which when fully illuminated green, indicate the drive is plumb. If the drive moves from its plumb position, a sequence of red and green lights will be lit to effortlessly guide the operator back to plumb. Halo is currently available for Digga PDD-PD50 auger drives, and 2 speed Digga auger drives.
No need for a spotter and spirit level to guide the operator - HALO does not take holidays or sick leave
Never take your eyes off the job
Ensure holes are drilled plumb and reduce the number of in-hole angle adjustments;
No oversized holes - Reduce the amount of concrete required to fill the hole
Eliminates sideload on auger drives & augers, potentially causing damage & expensive repairs
Get back to drilling faster after returning the auger into the hole
HALO costs significantly less than traditional systems & eliminates the need for a costly in-cab display
Price is plus VAT
PDXH2-2 65mm RND with Halo
Recommended Flow - 30-50 lpm
Max Toeque 2307 Nm
HALO is an alignment system located in the hood ring of the auger drive, which provides an operator with a simultaneous clear line of sight to itself, as well as the hole being dug. HALO utilises a band of LED lights, which when fully illuminated green, indicate the drive is plumb. If the drive moves from its plumb position, a sequence of red and green lights will be lit to effortlessly guide the operator back to plumb. Halo is currently available for Digga PDD-PD50 auger drives, and 2 speed Digga auger drives.
No need for a spotter and spirit level to guide the operator - HALO does not take holidays or sick leave
Never take your eyes off the job
Ensure holes are drilled plumb and reduce the number of in-hole angle adjustments;
No oversized holes - Reduce the amount of concrete required to fill the hole
Eliminates sideload on auger drives & augers, potentially causing damage & expensive repairs
Get back to drilling faster after returning the auger into the hole
HALO costs significantly less than traditional systems & eliminates the need for a costly in-cab display
Price is plus VAT
PDXH2-2 65mm RND with Halo
Recommended Flow - 30-50 lpm
Max Toeque 2307 Nm
HALO is an alignment system located in the hood ring of the auger drive, which provides an operator with a simultaneous clear line of sight to itself, as well as the hole being dug. HALO utilises a band of LED lights, which when fully illuminated green, indicate the drive is plumb. If the drive moves from its plumb position, a sequence of red and green lights will be lit to effortlessly guide the operator back to plumb. Halo is currently available for Digga PDD-PD50 auger drives, and 2 speed Digga auger drives.
No need for a spotter and spirit level to guide the operator - HALO does not take holidays or sick leave
Never take your eyes off the job
Ensure holes are drilled plumb and reduce the number of in-hole angle adjustments;
No oversized holes - Reduce the amount of concrete required to fill the hole
Eliminates sideload on auger drives & augers, potentially causing damage & expensive repairs
Get back to drilling faster after returning the auger into the hole
HALO costs significantly less than traditional systems & eliminates the need for a costly in-cab display